As Boyz II Men once said so eloquently, we have come to the end of the road. Opening Day is nearly upon us and this is the final release of the 2013 cheatsheets. If you have a draft coming
2013 Fantasy Baseball
The industry standard for fantasy baseball leagues is still the traditional rotisserie league but point-based leagues have quite a market as well. These leagues make for an easy transition for those who started in the fantasy football world as
You probably remember learning about supply and demand at some point in your academic life. The idea is that the quantity of a product that’s on the market and the demand for that product have an effect on the
Fantasy baseball drafts are about more than just player value as the value relative to their position plays an important role too. If you know that there’s a significant dropoff in value at 1B after Anthony Rizzo goes off
Last week, I mentioned that there are often great ideas for new features to add to the fantasy cheatsheets that are suggested by readers here. I was very excited about introducing the Custom Projections feature last week and there
I often get tons of really interesting suggestions from readers on how to improve these cheatsheets. I don’t always get to implement all of them but, this week, I’m very happy to introduce a new feature that has been
We’re hitting the time where projections for fantasy baseball are all being unleashed officially for the year. This is great for the cheatsheets here as that means that they are nearing their completion as far as what data will
Of all of the stats that are used in rotisserie leagues, batting average is the one that is most able to be fluctuated by good luck or bad luck. As a fantasy baseball owner, it is extremely valuable to