New 2012 Cheatsheet Feature: Player Profiles & Comparison Tool

I’m excited to announce a new feature within the 2012 fantasy baseball cheatsheets here. As of today, each cheatsheet contains a tab that allows you to look at player profiles and make comparisons between two players that you may be trying to decide between during a draft. These profile pages contain tons of good information to make your decisions hopefully easier.

First and foremost, you’ll be able to look at all of the stats from each of the projection systems and make your own comparisons between them. So, while the main page will still make calculations based off the projection system of your choice, you can glance over on this page and see whether the Steamer Projections rate that player much higher than the other systems for instance.

Also, on the side, you’ll be able to see the ADP data from all sources and the expert rankings from all sources as well to get a full idea of how this player is being perceived by the public and the experts.

Then, after you take that all in, the best feature of all is at the bottom: the projected change in standings by drafting this player. This is something I’ve been hoping to introduce for a long time. Once you’re in the middle of the draft and your team is starting to take shape, each player starts to develop a unique value to each team. A team that has no speedsters could get a lot more value out of Brett Gardner than David Ortiz despite Ortiz maybe having a higher total WERTH value. So, this tool will let you compare to see who can help you gain the most projected points in the standings at any point within the draft.

I’ve uploaded the spreadsheets with this new feature on there so feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!

(Also, this newest update includes new fantasy rankings, dollar values and ADP that account for Ryan Braun moving up in the rankings and we have new experts imported in such as USA Today and Razzball. In addition, a couple of minor tweaks have been made to some bugs that readers reported.)

Download the 2012 Roto Draft Cheatsheet or
Download the 2012 Roto Auction Cheatsheet or
Download the 2012 H2H Points League Cheatsheet

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