2024 Fantasy Baseball Cheatsheets for Drafts and Auctions

Welcome back to another installment of Mr. Cheatsheet. For a few short weeks every March, this site puts out content that is designed to put you in a position to win your fantasy baseball leagues by dominating your fantasy drafts and auctions. The crown jewels of that annual content are the cheatsheets that give this site its name and this is the post to introduce them.

For those not aware of what you’re stepping into, these are spreadsheets designed for Microsoft Excel on your desktops and laptops (mobile/web spreadsheet apps do not work). They are highly customizable because fantasy baseball leagues all seem to have very specific and unique rules that can completely alter the value and rankings of the available players in your league. Once you open up these spreadsheets, you’ll input data about your league and then you’ll get customized rankings that show the projected value of each player for your league. The fun doesn’t stop there though. You’ll input your draft results into the spreadsheet during the draft and you’ll see live standings and charts catered to your league during the draft (admittedly this is much harder if you have a draft with a short pick clock).

To sum it up, these are pretty good spreadsheets and will help you with fantasy baseball.

Beyond that, there are four cheatsheets. They’re first broken into whether you’re conducting a standard fantasy draft or holding a fantasy baseball auction. From there, there are two sheets to choose from depending on whether you are in a roto league (a league where you get ranked in categories) or a points-based league (for leagues that score more like fantasy football).

Really, the fun of these spreadsheets is when you just open them up and start playing around. I recommend testing them out before your actual drafts so you can get a feel for them. All in all, I think the spreadsheets are neat and I hope you all like them.

Fantasy Baseball Draft Cheatsheets

There are four types of cheatsheets that you can download here so let’s figure out which cheatsheet is for you first.

The first question to answer is about your draft type. Your league is either conducting a standard fantasy draft or they’re having an auction. A standard draft contains multiple draft rounds and you make a pick each round. An auction would be where each player is put up for bidding and you can use fictional dollars to get the players you want.

Below are two cheatsheets that are for the standard drafts. If you’re in an auction, skip past these.

The second question you need to answer is about what type of scoring your league uses. The two common formats are either roto or points-based. A roto league is where you are ranked from first to last in various statistical categories, either each week or for the whole year. A points league is more like fantasy football where each player on your team accumulates weekly points based on your scoring system and you try to get more points than your fantasy opponent.

So, if you’re in a roto league that’s conducting a fantasy draft then here is the spreadsheet that you want to download:

Download the Excel file
Current version: 1.20
March 23 at 7:20 PM EST

If you didn’t download that file but you’re still here then that likely means that you’re in a points league. The points league is where you get individual points for each statistic and try to get the most points each week.

If that’s your league type and your league is holding a standard draft then download this spreadsheet to win your league:

Download the Excel file
Current version: 1.20
March 23 at 7:20 PM EST

Perfect! If you’re in a fantasy baseball draft then you should be good to go now. You can skip to the end if you want to read any final thoughts. Now, for the rest of you…

Fantasy Baseball Auction Cheatsheets

If your league is not conducting a standard multi-round draft and you are bidding on players to put onto your team then, yes, you need a different spreadsheet than what I have above. You need my auction spreadsheets.

You just need to ask yourself which type of league you’re in before you download one of these two sheets.

To quote myself from just a minute ago, “the two common formats are either roto or points-based. A roto league is where you are ranked from first to last in various statistical categories, either each week or for the whole year. A points league is more like fantasy football where you get X number of points for each thing a player does and you try to get more points than your fantasy opponent.”

If you’re in a roto league that is holding an auction-style draft then here is the spreadsheet that you want to download:

Download the Excel file
Current version: 1.20
March 23 at 7:20 PM EST

That leaves one final cheatsheet. The points league is closer to fantasy football as each player’s stat is assigned a specific point value and you try to get the most points each week. If that’s your league and it’s holding an auction-style draft then download this spreadsheet:

Download the Excel file
Current version: 1.20
March 23 at 7:20 PM EST

There you have it! Now you can win your fantasy leagues.

Need Help Using These?

You may open these up and find yourself asking a lot of questions. First, I’d check out this FAQ-style post to see if your issue is mentioned in the post. Secondly, I’d search the site to see if the issue has been mentioned before. Thirdly, I’d ask the question in the comments below here and I’ll get back to ya. One of those methods should get you to a solution but I’d start by checking out that post I linked to first.

Found A Bug?

Yeah, that’s going to happen. I’m just one person making these and there are four different spreadsheets to maintain so there may be human error at times. If your cheatsheet is acting strange and you think there’s a bug, contact me or post in the comments below so I can fix it.

Cheatsheet Updates

There will be at least one or two updates to the cheatsheets before the season starts. When a new version comes out, you can copy your league’s data to the new sheet by using the Save & Load tab.


When I made this site a long time ago, I decided I wanted these spreadsheets to be free so they could help the most people. I stand by that choice after 15 years of doing this site. It’s a great joy to be able to help so many people and that’s the main reason I continue to do this year in and year out.

BUT… this isn’t free for me to run and it also costs me lots of time and energy. There’s money to run the site but there’s really just the time of creating these and maintaining these that is most draining each year. That’s why it means so much to me when people donate to this site and it’s the reason I’m able to keep coming back to this each year.

If you are in a position to do so, you can submit donations through Venmo or PayPal, or you can buy me coffees.

If you can’t afford to donate then just enjoy the sheets and have a happy baseball season.

Good Luck!

Look at you! You should be proud of yourself. You took the initiative to try to win your fantasy baseball league this year and you found this hidden corner of the internet with a great tool for you. Use this spreadsheet to have your best draft ever, but always keep in mind that there’s always a matter of luck involved in this game. There will be unexpected injuries and weird things throughout the season so you just have to roll with the punches. At least you know you’ll have a good draft to start the season though.

Peace and love!

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  • Reply
    Javy Lopez
    03/10/2024 at 7:31 PM

    Let’s go! Thanks Mr. Cheatsheet!!!

    • Reply
      03/10/2024 at 8:24 PM

      Good luck this season, Javy Lopez!

  • Reply
    Jack Gunther
    03/10/2024 at 7:51 PM

    As always, thank you for this hard work. For the last few years, I have tried to build my own cheatsheets. Hence, much respect!

    Hope that you are well.


    • Reply
      03/10/2024 at 8:23 PM

      Appreciate you saying so! Good luck this year.

  • Reply
    Desmond Noots
    03/10/2024 at 8:14 PM

    Thanks, Luke! Always look forward to downloading each year. Two questions:

    1. Anything new this year? I know the sheets usually have a changelog from version to version within the year, but any major/minor changes from last year?

    2. I truly appreciate the hard work that goes into the sheet and understand why it takes time for you to release. In a pinch, can last year’s sheet be used this year? Or this year’s next year? If so, how would one do that? I tried to update last year’s with this year’s projection and was getting some strange results, so I was kind of panicking until I saw that you would be releasing sheets this year.

    • Reply
      03/10/2024 at 8:23 PM

      Sorry, no, I did not aim to do any new major features this year as I felt the current versions were in a good place but if you think of features you want for the future then let me know. As far as using last year’s sheets, they would not be able to be used for this year as there is too much data behind the scenes that wouldn’t link together correctly. So, it’s safest to use this year’s.

  • Reply
    Warren Shinnamon
    03/10/2024 at 9:09 PM

    So happy you’re back, Luke! I look forward to working with your spreadsheets every season.

    I noticed in the Auctions – Roto spreadsheet, on the Your Roto Auction tab, the “Show All Positions” dropdown is ONLY working when opting to show all positions. The sheet goes blank when I only try to show SS, or any other position. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    • Reply
      03/10/2024 at 9:15 PM

      That was an error on my part! I just uploaded version 1.01 to the site just now to fix that issue. If you refresh the page and then download that new version then it should work properly.

    • Reply
      03/10/2024 at 9:16 PM

      I had the same issue. After I changed settings to mirror my league, players would only appear if showing all positions. Any time I tried to show a specific position, the player list would disappear. Nonetheless, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you pulling this sheet together each year. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so this makes my prep so much easier. Nice work Luke!

  • Reply
    03/10/2024 at 9:31 PM

    Amazing stuff. First year in a league last year and came 2nd!

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 11:27 AM

    Is there a reason the auction-points sheet defaults towards allocating 70% of budget towards hitters and 30% towards pitchers? I’m not really clear on why I should be doing that. Also wondering if there is a recommended best practice for projections to use – would love to know more about what the ‘special blend’ consists of.

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 11:32 AM

    Thanks Luke, best day of the year!

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 12:38 PM

    Love these cheets! Any ideas what to use for a Saves + Holds Points league? We have them set as 4 pts in yahoo.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 1:35 PM

      That sounds more like a roto league? Unless you’re saying that a player gets 4 points every time he gets a save or a hold. In that case, I’d just enter Saves as 4 points and Holds as 4 points since they’d get 4 points for either one of them.

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 12:43 PM

    Thank you for this awesome resource! Look forward to it every year! Question for you, on the “projected standings” tab I could have sworn I’d seen the individual roto points for each category vs. just the totals. Did you change that up?

    I’m using the latest Roto Auction cheatsheet for what it’s worth.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 1:38 PM

      On that page, there’s a gray box that says “Stats”. That’s a drop-down box. If you click it and change it to “Ranks” then it will display the individual roto points. You can switch back and forth at any time.

      • Reply
        03/11/2024 at 1:46 PM

        Ahhhh there it is. Thank you! Awesome work, as always.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 2:57 PM

      We use the category “Saves + Holds” in yahoo. So I believe it just combines them and gives 4 pts for either. So yeah I guess I’ll set it for 4. Thanks.

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 12:46 PM

    Thanks, Luke! Great work as always. The only thing I would like to see is the ability to sort by WERTH value on the “positions” tab. I really love that tab for a great overview of things during the draft. If it could be sorted by WERTH, it would be even more useful during drafts. For instance, to quickly glance at each position and see the difference between the top picks would allow a person to pick the position that dropped off faster. It is still possible to do that, it just takes a few more seconds. But in a timed draft, every second counts!

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 1:35 PM

    Thanks for these great sheets! I did notice one bug on the points auction sheet. It shows that Cedric Mullins and Max Muncy are in a ‘drafted’ status and will not let you select them. This may be on your radar but wanted to pass this along.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 4:02 PM

      Good catch. If you refresh the page, there’s now a Points Auction v1.02 and that has a fix for this issue.

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 3:00 PM

    Would it be easy to add Holds as one of the stat columns in the Import Projections tab?

  • Reply
    Chad Sexington
    03/11/2024 at 3:12 PM

    Why don’t you use ATC or THE BAT X (which includes Statcast). I feel like this is an oversight as those are the gold standard for projection accuracy for pitchers and hitters respectively. Please advise.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 3:18 PM

      THE BAT X only projects hitters so I can’t use it. ATC copies a similar methodology to what I’ve been doing for a decade with the Special Blend projections and the Special Blend has performed better than ATC based on my published research as well as others. If people like what ATC does then I’d prefer they use the Special Blend instead.

  • Reply
    Joseph Jasper
    03/11/2024 at 3:37 PM

    Hey Luke! Thanks for this! When I open the Salary-Auction spreadsheet, it appears Cedric Mullins and Max Muncy are already “picked” by a team named “0.” Is there a way to make them normal/available?

    Also, Camillo Doval’s age is listed as “2.”

    Thank you again. This is invaluable.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 3:58 PM

      Good catch. Camillo Doval is indeed not a baby player so that should be corrected. But, yup, I made both of those fixes and Points Auction v1.02 is on the site now if you refresh and download again.

  • Reply
    03/11/2024 at 4:30 PM

    Hey Luke, quick thanks so much for making these sheets again! Wanted to link you to the Reddit thread (likely the source of and influx in downloads) just so you can see some questions/issues people have mentioned, but also a whoooole lotta praise.

    Only issue I have personally is on the Points Auction sheet, lots of players further down the list (on the ‘positions’ tab) have higher projected points but don’t have any auction values associated – if it’s just because they’re all $0 it’d still be great to have it sorted by projected points if that’s at all possible.


  • Reply
    Chad Sexington
    03/11/2024 at 7:38 PM

    Highlighting players does not work 100%. I believe in 1.01 for Roto, highlighting pitchers does not work, but hitters do. For example, Kirby and Strider if you choose to highlight Green it does not work, but when you pick Yordan Alvarez highlight green, it works.

    • Reply
      03/11/2024 at 8:22 PM

      Gotcha. That makes sense. I’ll make that fix and reply again when the updated sheet is uploaded to the site.

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 1:34 AM

    Fantastic sheet! I’m curious – is there a way on the roto sheet to add different categories that aren’t auto-populated, but might nevertheless be in the underlying projections data? In particular, I’m looking to add W+QS as a stand-alone category. (Right now I have each as a half-counted category, which is currently workable for my slow draft – but just wondering if I could mess with it to make it more accurate.) No worries if not; this is great as always!

    • Reply
      03/15/2024 at 7:25 PM

      Yeah, this is a tricky one. It may come in a later update or a future year update but it’s one I’d have to think about how to work in there. It’s a frequent request I get though so there’s a need for it at some point.

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 7:40 AM

    Luke! Welcome back. Your stuff is like crack for those of us following you for years. Best wishes!

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 11:11 AM

    I’m not sure what I look forward to more from this site – the design or the projections.

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:29 AM

      I really appreciate you saying so 🙂 The design stuff is where I have a little fun each year so I’m glad some people enjoy it

  • Reply
    Ray Lankford
    03/12/2024 at 3:45 PM

    Any possibility of adding On-Base Against (OBA) as a category. My roto league uses it as a pitching category. In the meantime I’m using BAA as a holdover though thinking of switching it to WHIP.

  • Reply
    B. Long
    03/12/2024 at 6:22 PM

    Hey Luke, great work…I have a question…for players with multiple position eligibility..how do you move the player once drafted to the other spot..the cells are locked and it doesn’t ask when you draft which spot to put them in…both scenarios occur in our draft each season…so I need to know how to move the players quickly…thanks in advance.

    • Reply
      03/12/2024 at 6:36 PM

      It’ll update their positions automatically as you draft. It fills them in at their “ideal” position at first. But, if you draft more than one guy at the position, it will start to adjust and adapt. So, once your team is full, it’ll have the ideal lineup for you.

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 8:12 PM

    I have a few questions if you don’t mind. My fantasy league is an H2H *Categories* league, should I use the rotisserie spreadsheet for that? Or points (which I assume means I’d have to change each category setting to 1?) Also, we have kind of a strange scoring set-up. We don’t track batting average for example, it was replaced with Hits and Total Bases. And we don’t track Whip for pitchers, but we do use losses and holds. I tried changing the rotisserie cheatsheet to reflect these categories but the players are still listed in the same order. Basically, what I’m interested in using your cheatsheet for is to put together a 1 to 400 or so list of draft rankings using my leagues stats. (All of the standard rankings on the internet use standard scoring settings and I’m looking for the most accuracy possible. Sorry for the long post, and as always, thank you for all of your hard work.

    • Reply
      03/12/2024 at 8:31 PM

      Yup, for H2H Categories, you use the roto sheet. The order on the main draft page is ordered by Average Draft Position (ADP) by default. In the top-right, you can change it to “Sort by WERTH” to have it sort by player value after you make your changes.

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 9:19 PM

    Hi! Thanks so much for doing this! Serious game changer. Anthony Rizzo is not showing up in the Draft Log and Players tabs. I’m using Roto Draft 1.0.1. Thanks!

    • Reply
      03/12/2024 at 9:23 PM

      That’s odd because I’m looking at that sheet and see him there on those pages. I wonder if maybe you accidentally drafted him to a team or something? He should be there unless I’m crazy.

      • Reply
        03/12/2024 at 9:34 PM

        It’s odd. He’s not drafted to a team. He shows up in the Your Roto Draft and Positions tabs, but not the Draft Log or Players tabs.

      • Reply
        03/13/2024 at 8:03 AM

        I’m having a similar issue with Spencer Torkelson

        • Reply
          03/15/2024 at 11:30 AM

          Having a similar issue with Jose Abreu

          • Luke
            03/16/2024 at 11:28 AM

            Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now and it fixes this issue, among others.

        • Reply
          03/16/2024 at 11:28 AM

          Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now and it fixes this issue, among others.

          • Tork Torkelson
            03/16/2024 at 11:54 AM

            The Torkelson issue is still present. He doesn’t show up under “Team”. He was a keeper of mine prior and he is still MIA from “Team” and “Rosters” tab. Please advise the workaround for if he is a keeper. Maybe you have to put another player in his place for keeper and “draft” him.

          • Luke
            03/16/2024 at 1:25 PM

            Sorry, I need more information as I cannot recreate this error. I don’t know which sheet you are using but I put him as Keeper in both the Roto and Points Draft sheets and he showed up on the roster. Are you loading information from an old sheet? Perhaps that’s your issue. But, without more information, I cannot recreate this Torkelson issue as I don’t really know what it is.

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:28 AM

      Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now and it fixes this issue, among others.

  • Reply
    Chad Sexington
    03/12/2024 at 10:14 PM

    Can you explain if it’s better to sort by WERTH or Pos Adj WERTH? Perhaps a little explanation on choosing one over the other.

    • Reply
      03/12/2024 at 10:27 PM

      I don’t think one is better than the other. It just depends what info you are trying to gather. I change what I’m sorting by throughout the draft (though I usually sort by ADP for a draft personally). Basically, WERTH shows you a player’s value regardless of what position they play while Position-Adjusted WERTH accounts for position scarcity so catchers wouldn’t be at the bottom of the rankings. So, during a draft, you may need to know different things at different times.

  • Reply
    03/12/2024 at 10:19 PM

    How would you recommend setting the SP vs RP vs P (vs bench) in a league where there’s a minimum games started per week? Feels like that significantly adjusts the value of starters vs relievers?

  • Reply
    03/13/2024 at 10:37 AM

    On at least a couple of the cheatsheets, Nolan Schanuel is listed as a C with 1B as a secondary position, but I think that’s a mistake because as far as I can tell, he’s only ever played 1B. I haven’t noticed any other position surprises.

  • Reply
    Jesse Vandegrift
    03/13/2024 at 11:54 AM

    Awesome spreadsheet. I did notice today when adding keepers instead of draft picks on the draft log that Spencer Torkelson was not in the drop down list. This was for the Roto Draft excel sheet.

    • Reply
      03/13/2024 at 11:42 PM

      I had this problem too. I was able to copy the text of “Spencer Torkelson” from another spreadsheet and paste it and that seemed to work, i.e. Tork then showed up on the Rosters sheet for that team. I did specifically right click and paste Value.

  • Reply
    03/13/2024 at 4:44 PM

    Checking this out for the first time. It looks like lots of time has gone into this. I have one question..

    Multi-Position Eligibility: has a limit of 20 games played to qualify. It will not allow you to enter a number larger than that.

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:27 AM

      Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now and it fixes this issue, among others.

  • Reply
    03/13/2024 at 11:44 PM

    Future feature suggestion: somewhere we can input target stat totals and a way to track how close my roster is to that, maybe in percentages. For instance, if I’m shooting for a roster with 800 runs, how close is my current roster to that.

  • Reply
    03/14/2024 at 9:17 AM

    So happy this is back! I’m trying to import my own values and projections but when I try to copy and paste (in the roto auction sheet) I’m getting a message that the sheet is password protected. Is there a way around this?

    • Reply
      03/14/2024 at 9:37 AM

      The only reason that would happen is if you are pasting in values that aren’t in the unlocked cells. On the Import Values page, you import the players and values into columns B and C. On the Import Projections page, you can only paste in columns B through X. The only other reason I could think is that you are trying to paste in more than like 1,000 rows of data. That could be an issue too. But, those are the only reasons for the error you describe.

      • Reply
        03/14/2024 at 9:59 AM

        I had a similar issue, you can paste values up to row 752 on the “Import (Values)” sheet and it’s locked past that. Also, I’m seeing discrepancies on the values I’m providing in that sheet and what’s showing on the “Your Points Auction” page. I have Acuna at $87 on my import and it’s showing $134 on the auction page. I also can’t seem to get Bobby Witt Jr. to show anything other than $0 on the auction page.

        This is the 2024-Points-Auction-Cheatsheet-1.02.xlsm. None of this is a dealbreaker, and I absolutely love the work you’re doing and appreciate you Luke. Thanks for the immense effort to bring these sheets to life.

  • Reply
    03/14/2024 at 11:38 AM

    For any pitcher that has a Highlight selected on the Player Notes sheet, the highlighting is not showing on the Your Roto Draft sheet.

    • Reply
      03/14/2024 at 11:58 AM

      Indeed, thanks. I’ve heard that from a few people and need to fix that in the next update I hope to do before this weekend.

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:27 AM

      Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now and it fixes this issue, among others.

  • Reply
    03/14/2024 at 2:19 PM

    Luke – you’re a hero for this.
    Do you have any plans to bring back the Ohtani Rule dropdown? I noticed that there’s some hidden dropdowns on the Settings tab in cells Q17 and Q18 referencing his hitting and pitching stats but they aren’t the same as the toggle from last year. Just was curious if there’s plans to add it back in or if I could just manually split him out into a batter and pitcher version somewhere else in the workbook.

    • Reply
      03/14/2024 at 3:54 PM

      Maybe I’m misunderstanding but why would you need to split Ohtani into two players this year when he is not pitching? I specifically removed that feature on purpose. He doesn’t have any projected pitching stats so there’s no pitcher version of him to add?

      • Reply
        03/14/2024 at 4:05 PM

        Only because I’m an idiot and completely forgot about him not pitching again until 2025… don’t mind me, nothing else to see here 😀

        • Reply
          03/14/2024 at 4:39 PM

          Haha, okay, phew. I just was trying to think if there was something I missed by removing him this year, haha. Happy drafting 🙂

          • Joe
            03/18/2024 at 5:48 PM

            Hey Luke –

            I’m in an NL Only Dynasty Auction League that has decided to treat Ohtani (P) and Ohtani (H) as two players. Since this is his first year in our League, Ohtani (P) is a draft and stash candidate. I was hoping for a two Ohtanis button this year. Though to your point he is hard to put a value on him with no projections for this year.

            Your stuff is awesome and much appreciated. Great work!

  • Reply
    Ben G.
    03/14/2024 at 4:43 PM

    Hey Luke! My league uses OBA (OBP-against) as a pitching statistic. Is there any way that stat could be implemented in the sheet? I’d implement it myself, but with your protections, I can’t :/

    • Reply
      03/14/2024 at 4:49 PM

      I don’t think I have projections for OBA for all of the projection systems I use in the sheets, and I can only really include stats that all the projections use. I’ll double-check though. Wouldn’t WHIP be fairly similar to OBA though? The only difference being that I guess OBA would include HBP?

      • Reply
        Ben G.
        03/14/2024 at 5:08 PM

        It factors in sacrifice flies, HBP, etc. Would it make sense to use WHIP twice (I’m in a H2H 9×9 league)? Would the cheatsheet even allow that?

        • Reply
          03/14/2024 at 5:14 PM

          Well, I just don’t think there’s going to be a significant difference between WHIP and OBA unless there’s some pitcher who gives up a ton of HBP or SF. So, you could certainly use WHIP as a replacement. But, I guess you’re saying your league uses WHIP and OBA? In that odd case, I dunno. To add it in, I’d have to see if all of the projections I use have an OBA stat too but I’m not sure. I’ll double-check that when I can.

  • Reply
    03/14/2024 at 10:37 PM

    So happy to have you as my secret weapon. Everyone at my draft over the last few years has asked me about the website. I act all confused, like what website?

    Only question. Are you going to do your sleeper/under the radar type posts? Your Joe Musgrove call a year or so ago was epic.

    If not…I’ll still be ahead of the game. Thanks

    • Reply
      03/15/2024 at 9:37 PM

      Hahaha, that’s so funny about being your secret weapon. Love to hear it. I’ll have my sleeper post up either over the weekend or on Monday, I’d guess.

  • Reply
    03/15/2024 at 8:00 AM

    Luke I was sooooo worried you were not coming back. What a thrill to see this is available again this year! You are my guru with these excel sheets that are so customizable! Venmo thanks incoming pal.

    • Reply
      03/15/2024 at 9:36 PM

      Thank you so much, Eric! I appreciate that. Hope you have a great draft this year.

  • Reply
    Duncan McDonut
    03/15/2024 at 3:13 PM

    Please make the Torkelson fix, pitcher highlighting fix and others mentioned. The Torkelson thing is wrecking the sheet and projected standings. Unless you know a workaround.

    • Reply
      03/15/2024 at 3:23 PM

      Thanks for letting me know, Duncan McDonut. I’m working on some fixes. Should be up tomorrow or late tonight.

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:27 AM

      Version 1.10 has been posted to the site now.

  • Reply
    Tim Curtis
    03/15/2024 at 9:24 PM

    Luke, you, are, the, MAN.

    I’ve downloaded the Roto Auction Sheet. Is there a way to unlock the individual sheets so I can highlight a player’s cell with a color? I’d like to highlight cells on the Your Roto Auction sheet and Positions sheet.

    Also, is there a way to delete a player from the pool? I’d like to declutter those pages.

    • Reply
      03/15/2024 at 9:36 PM

      Thanks, Tim! On the Player Notes page, you can write notes for players and also choose a color to highlight them as on the main page. Right now, there’s a bug where it doesn’t work for pitchers but I’ll have a new version up in the morning that fixes this (and has some updates). As for deleting a player completely from the pool, that’s an interesting idea. I hadn’t considered that so don’t have that currently in there. I’ll think about it though.

      • Reply
        Tim Curtis
        03/16/2024 at 10:11 PM

        Thanks man. I appreciate you. A few coffees will be coming your way. Your work is brilliant, a real game-changer.

  • Reply
    Matt Hilgenkamp
    03/16/2024 at 2:07 PM

    Hey Luke, everything looks great! Roto Auction V1.10 does have a bug with NFBC AAV’s – looks like it’s pulling in rank/ADP instead of actual auction values

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 3:47 PM

      Oh geez, yeah, that’s a silly error on my part. Fixing that and uploading v1.11. Should be on the site in the next 10 minutes.

  • Reply
    Cranjis McBasketball
    03/16/2024 at 3:52 PM

    Awesome, glad that these are out and updated, awesome work! Gotta admit, I’m confused why someone like Giolito remains on this list when he’s likely out until the middle of 2025.

  • Reply
    Michael Daly
    03/16/2024 at 6:15 PM

    Hey Luke! What should I use if I’m in a Roto H2H weekly league? The roto points spread?
    Thanks for doing this again!

    • Reply
      03/16/2024 at 11:16 PM

      Hey Michael! You would use the Roto Draft sheet (unless your league holds an auction instead of a draft then you’d do the Roto Auction sheet).

  • Reply
    03/17/2024 at 12:06 AM

    Hi Luke, love this tool. I was wondering if there’s a way unprotect the sheets so they can be edited? I’m trying to use projections from Fangraphs, but their player names are different than the ones you use. Things like “Acuna” without the tilde and “Will Smith (C)”. Trying to avoid manually editing a bunch of names. Alternatively, does your naming convention follow that of another major site?

    • Reply
      03/17/2024 at 12:12 AM

      There are far too many interconnected things behind the scenes on the sheet so I can’t unprotect them. You changing the name in one field would break the entire sheet, for instance. So, the protections in the sheet are just a way of protecting you all haha. I have most of the projections from Fangraphs in the sheets so hopefully you can get it to work for you without too much trouble. If you’re interested in importing other sources though, you do have to get the names formatted correctly. Fangraphs usually includes two name fields in their exports, so you should be able to find a name field that matches mine in there. Appreciate the feedback, happy drafting!

      • Reply
        03/17/2024 at 11:34 AM

        I want to use Fangraphs’ ATC projections, which I don’t see as an option. But I’ll figure something out, thank you!

        • Reply
          03/17/2024 at 11:49 AM

          If you want to use ATC, I’d recommend using the Special Blend as ATC was built similarly to my model. Here’s a breakdown of how projections compared last year: https://mrcheatsheet.com/2024/03/15/projection-analysis-24/. But, yes, you can still import ATC fairly easily. You got this! Good luck this year.

          • Ben
            03/17/2024 at 12:21 PM

            Awesome. Sidenote, the pull for Michael Grove seems to be broken, at least on the Point league sheet. Doesn’t show any stats for him on the “Your Points Draft” page, but has him listed at the top of the draft when sorted by Points Above Replacement. Tried the Fix button, but that didn’t do anything. This issue is on the fresh file, before adding anything to the file.

  • Reply
    Chris Wright
    03/17/2024 at 12:36 AM

    What would you use for head to head category

    • Reply
      03/17/2024 at 1:00 AM

      Roto Draft or Roto Auction depending on whether you are doing a draft or an auction.

  • Reply
    03/17/2024 at 9:47 AM

    Love your sheets and been using them since my keeper league started in 2018. We are a roto auction league, and thanks in large part to your work I’ve never finished worse than 4th! One feature I’d like to see (mostly because I’m curious) is a column on the projected standings tab for “$ value drafted” divided by “total $ spent”. In my mind that would be a great way of rating who had the best draft. Actually I’m looking at it in terms of keepers to see who’s in the best shape going into the draft, since we don’t all keep the same number of players.

  • Reply
    03/17/2024 at 1:59 PM

    I’m having an issue where the stats for some players are not populating in the Your Points Draft tab. I copied and pasted my own projections into the Import Tab. Most players stats are there, but some are blank and so when I sort by Projected Points, some players are completely missing. Please help.

    • Reply
      03/17/2024 at 3:07 PM

      Your imported names must not be matching up exactly to how they are presented in the spreadsheet. The names on the Import Projections tab need to be an exact match to how they are on the sheet. Good luck!

  • Reply
    Tim Curtis
    03/17/2024 at 9:31 PM

    Can you manually change Projected Value of a player? When I import my own values, I can see it as “site value” on the Your Roto Auction page, but I’m not able to sort by Site Value, only Projected Value.

    Relatedly, is there a way the values on the Positions page could be Site Values instead of Projected Values?

  • Reply
    03/19/2024 at 1:13 AM

    Once upon a time, I thought the sheets allowed you to edit the Rosters page as sometimes it’ll drop a multi-position player into a slot the team clearly isn’t using him for. i.e. Mookie as an OF when most people will put him at 2B or SS. These sheets are so complex I assume that’s a hard fix to implement.

    • Reply
      03/19/2024 at 8:49 AM

      Yeah, indeed. Before I figured out how to get it to determine multi-position eligibility on its own, there was a feature to move guys around on rosters to positions you felt they should be in. Once I added in multi-position eligibility, I initially had to take that feature away as there were just too many things that could mess up. It’s something I’ll consider adding again but I fear that it would end up being pretty complicated.

  • Reply
    Carson Hollyoak
    03/19/2024 at 1:14 PM

    My league is switching from a roto to H2H points format and one of the categories is Total Bases (1 point) which doesn’t appear to be on the settings tab. Is there a good proxy for that category and the associated scoring with the categories that are included on the Settings tab right now? Would it work to just assign partial weights to single, double, triple and HR that equal 1 (i.e. HR=0.4, Triple=0.3, etc.)?

    • Reply
      03/19/2024 at 1:41 PM

      I know it’s confusing because every site uses different terminology but H2H is considered to be rotisserie baseball still, just weekly. You are being ranked in categories so you’d use the Roto sheet. The “points” sheet is for specific league types that are more like fantasy football where one hitter may be worth 53 points and another hitter may be worth 120 points in a week based on league scoring. (Which I’m pointing out because you’ll be able to enter your league’s categories into the roto sheet successfully)

  • Reply
    03/19/2024 at 4:06 PM

    I’m using the roto auction 1.11 and when I try to unlock the sheet it asks me for a password. Any advice?

    • Reply
      03/19/2024 at 4:36 PM

      Correct, unlocking the sheet would cause errors. Just use the sheet as it is!

  • Reply
    03/19/2024 at 4:16 PM

    Thanks Luke!! When I sort my points league by “Expert Rankings” it lists the players in alphabetical order. My settings are Espn ADP, Mr. Cheatsheet Projections and Rankings. I tried the ‘Fix’ button but no luck. Any suggestions?

    • Reply
      03/19/2024 at 4:36 PM

      I’ll double-check this when I get home soon. Which sheet was it though? Points or Roto?

  • Reply
    03/19/2024 at 7:39 PM

    Hey man, awesome spreadsheet. This will be my first year using it. I’ve been messing around with it and when I go to “Your points draft” I can’t figure out how to make a pick. In the instructions it says to click on a player and then select “make pick” but I can’t find the “make pick” button. Everything else works wonderfully! I’m using the 1.10 points league sheet.

    • Reply
      03/19/2024 at 9:25 PM

      This may be a silly question but do you have the sheet open in Microsoft Excel on your computer or is it open on a web browser or even another spreadsheet program? I ask because I think you may not see the button unless you are using the computer program of Excel. If you are using that though then I’ll have to think on this a little more.

      • Reply
        03/19/2024 at 9:30 PM

        Yes I am using excel with windows 11. Everything works great, just no button that says “make pick.” I was going to send a picture on Twitter but I don’t pay for Twitter so I can’t send you a message since we don’t follow each other. I can email you a picture or you can follow me and I’ll send it to you on there. My Twitter is @j_arthur5

        • Reply
          03/19/2024 at 9:41 PM

          Well without seeing a screenshot, I can tell you that the issue on your Excel side of things so it becomes harder for me to diagnose. The button is at the top of the page next to the team and player and pick boxes. If you aren’t seeing it then maybe the file itself is blocked (you can right-click on the file on your computer and choose Properties and then Unblock at the bottom of the properties box) or maybe macros are blocked in your Excel perhaps? Those are the things coming to mind but it’s tough for me to say. I’d check on those two things first though.

          • Jacob
            03/19/2024 at 11:21 PM

            I right clicked and checked unblocked. I’ve looked everywhere trying to get it to work and can’t figure it out. I’ll need with it some more tomorrow but I spent a while on it today. My drafts are this weekend so I’m really wanting to use it haha

          • Luke
            03/20/2024 at 8:37 AM

            I’m so sorry, I don’t know why you can’t see the “Make Pick” button. It’s at the top of the Your Points Draft tab 🙁

          • Jacob
            03/20/2024 at 9:27 AM

            I got it! I had made a copy of the original file and for some reason it wouldn’t allow me to unblock macros. Looking forward to using it!

          • Luke
            03/20/2024 at 11:21 AM

            Woohoo! Glad to hear it

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